I was just browsing Facebook when I saw a post from New Media Expo about the decline in organic Facebook results when it came to new posts. They highlighted a writer (Andrea Vahl) that did a 24 hour experiment on organic post where she posted to Facebook asking for people to like the post so she could judge organic traffic. Andrea Vahl went on to show graphs and while her experiment is still going on as I write this it made me think.
Since we are always talking about call to actions why not add a line of text near your social media buttons asking the reader to click and share the post. I am sure just adding a line or two will help with the organic reach in Facebook, plus whatever benefits comes along with Google tracking social media now. It just doesn't hurt to ask.
At first I was going to add a line in the after post section but then I looked closer at the social media sharing plugin that I use Sharing is caring Wordpress plugin. It has a section to add a line of text so I did. This is what it looks like. I am sure you will also see it at the bottom of the post.
I am sure I am going to change it up when I think of something better and do some A/B testing on it. Inside the plugin is where you ad the text. You can see in the extended options where I circled in green.
You can also change the CSS and other settings if you choose to do so. For now I will leave it as it is. I will probably do some testing of calls to action across my other sites and track the results. For now I suggest adding a line if having people sharing your post is a goal of yours. Go ahead and follow the instructions below and share the post. 🙂
Great advice Vinny! The simple tweaks can make all the difference. And it’s a bonus when they are so easy to implement. Thanks for sharing my post!