How is Your Plan Going?
A couple of weeks ago a buddy was asking me about social media and he had some very basic questions.
At first I was surprised but after he told me what he was doing I quickly realized that he didn't have a social media plan in place.
He just got promoted to run their social media and really didn't have a clue as to what was going on. He was trying to track results and of course the dreaded ROI that he needed to have for his boss.
After a few minutes I knew he was in trouble and had to discuss with him what he was trying to do. Then we set up a detailed plan I showed him how to track results so he would have something to show his boss eventually.
I have to say his company was messed up and their plan for the web was basically having no plan. Their blog was nothing but press releases that practically yelled at the person reading it. Even worse then that was when they made a blog post it was in 3rd person and speaking down to the reader. They also had no SEO knowledge so that had to be addressed also.
Not exactly rocket science on how to fix that so that was the first thing we addressed. They have writers on staff and he got the ok to have them feed content to the blog with his approval first. Problem solved there as they have published a few post now and they are on the right track. I gave them enough SEO knowledge so they can do basic stuff like title tags, meta tags etc. Just enough SEO to make them a little dangerous. They also have their keyword research and know what the competitors rankings are. They also didn't have a way to capture email addresses. Huge mistake that they are setting up now. We will address the blog again later as I just needed to get the ball rolling in that area for now.
Their social media plan was
- 1 Twitter account that was hooked up to the blog rss (Nightmare's coming from this I am sure)
- 1 Facebook account with 21 friends and no fan page.
- 1 YouTube Channel with 3 videos
- 1 Blog
Now that I got the blog out of the way I started with YouTube since they had 3 videos up and running and 10 more waiting to be uploaded. I am in shock that they had an account on YouTube in the first place but since they already knew how to upload videos I wanted to start there. The videos they shot were ok but they were way too long so I had them edit them in half and they now had 20 videos. Their videos were named something like abcnyffra333.avi which of course as you can imagine was also their title. Yes lovely I know.
We went in and renamed them and had the writers watch the videos and write up a description with a soft call to action and of course put the URL in there as well. More important then having them write the descriptions I showed all of them how to do it so it wouldn't fall on one persons lap. I did this with most of their plans as making it a team effort is so important.
Next post we will talk about some of the other steps I took and get an actual plan in place.