A few years ago when I bought my first smartphone I figured I would make a little video on how I can watch NFL games from my phone. Little did I know that by using “Direct TV on the Droid Phone” I was tapping into something that was to go viral. I shouldn't say viral I should say it got a lot of traffic. When I made the video (Which Sucks BTW) I didn't do any keyword research before I named it. You should always do that to help with traffic. This video has 41,000 views and it could of had more.
Now I did no promoting for this video and actually forgot all about it until I started seeing traffic in my Google analytics to my cell phone site which was in the description at the time. Every week I would see a few hundred hits from the text link in the description box to my site. When they clicked on the link it gave them a text wrap up of what I said in the video. I also embedded the video on the bottom of that page in case anyone wanted to see it again.
My cell phone site was an old looking frontpage made site that is currently being redesigned so in the mean time I changed the video to link back to my site where those people now end up seeing the pictures I take with the cell phone. It is only a stop gap measure until I get the cell phone site back up.
Use The Reply Button On Your Videos
What I learned about the video though is that when someone ask you a question on the video you should reply. People end up liking the video and the video gets ranked higher on YouTube based on the action. From now on I will always reply back to people no matter what their crazy question is.
People will end up subscribing to your channel and sharing your videos. You always want to put your videos in the best places to get the most views.
After you make a video you should also embed it on a new post on your site so it goes out to your newsletter subscribers. Tweet out that page a few times and tweet out the page it is on YouTube also. The more plays you get the more YouTube notices its popularity and that helps with rankings. Send an email to your friends and ask them to watch it. Bribe them and tell them there is a surprise ending or something. You should also place the link to your page on Facebook and G+. In a few days go in and do the same thing with the YouTube page that your video is on.
Do not upload the video to Facebook as that won't help you with visitors back to your page.
Before you upload the video to YouTube you should rename the file name. Instead of uploading 21312312312323.mov you want to call it something like watchtvonphone.mov and help Google find it better. You also want to add a few paragraphs of text in the description field with a relevant website url somewhere so the viewer can click on it and be on your website.