Nothing like a Tweet from Matt Cutts on a Friday afternoon on a Holiday weekend to ruin some peoples weekend.
@dannysullivan your call, of course, but the internal team here has taking to referring to the upcoming release as Penguin 2.0.
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) May 10, 2013
Actually Matt and Danny Sullivan are having a fun conversation about what the updates name is going to be. I see it as a non issue. If you are relying for traffic from the search engines you are doing it wrong. I am looking forward to seeing my search rankings go up as the clear out some more crap.
I actually love it when they do updates as it gives you an idea of what they want usually. I also enjoy seeing all the blog post that pop up blaming Google for a loss of business. Your business should be able to with stand a Google update. It is out of your control where they rank you (If that even matters anymore).
This weekend the webmaster forums and blogs will all be doing their best posting about Henny Penny SEO the other “The sky is falling” things and what they think Google is doing. They should be focusing on making their sites better.
I absolutely agree with you on getting too caught up with what Google is going to do next! All Google seems to have done is eliminate more black hat tactics therefore reinforcing the ‘crazy’ notion to play by the rules and don’t cheat!
These ‘band aid’ approaches (black hat) only last till the next round of updates so these people need to get with the program and start doing things the right way! After that they will be ‘rooting’ for the next updates much like you, me and everybody else who plays by the rules!
Funny how some people are willing to work harder just to cheat the system!
Just saying of course ๐
Love the angle you took here!