We are all very busy while we work on the computer but that doesn't mean you can't learn while you work. I have improved a few of my websites by listening to podcast. Here are a few podcasts that I listen to while I am working that I learn a lot from and so can you. These are listed in no particular order. I also left out any affiliate marketing podcast because I know my friends will chime in with those in the comments.
Lately I have been listening to a podcast about public speaking. (iTunes) While I have no plans to ever do that again I like the way the speaker talks and if I ever do speak in public again at least I will have these tips in the back of my mind. I know a lot of my friends are doing Affiliate Summit sessions in a few months and can benefit from Lisa B. Marshall and her insightful tips.
Pat Flynn has a very successful podcast over at Smartpassiveincome.com. (iTunes) He has industry leaders on that tell listeners how they are doing things to grow their income. Friendly format and Pat is one of the most generous guys when it comes to sharing what is working right now.
Amy Porterfield (iTunes) has a great podcast covering social media and what you should be doing to engage with fans to get more sales. Her common sense approach to getting more traffic and sales is worth it's weight in gold. Getting social fans to your email list is something that I agree with 100% and Amy's tips show you how to do that and more.
Social Media Examiner's Michael Stelzner has a great podcast on social media (iTunes) that I listen to all the time. He has insightful tips from people doing social media successfully. The guest normally give good points and advice you can use right away.
If you want to learn how to influence your audience and get into the psychology of selling then you have to listen to my friend Derek Halpern's podcast Social Triggers (iTunes). Derek tells it the way it is and backs up his words with proof.
Corbett Barr, Chase Reeves, and Caleb Wojcik have a great podcast about getting traffic to your site and get them coming back. The Fizzle show (iTunes) is one of my favorites because I like their common sense approach to building a successful website.
What podcast do you listen to on a regular basis? What podcast topic would you like to hear more about?