A few months back I was lucky enough to take part in a Kickstarter project. My friends The Dollyrots started a Kickstarter project to get funding for their new album. I am sure they were sitting around saying that $7500 would do the job and wondering if they would ever reach that level. Something happened that they didn't expect, they raised $33,124. They did this by offering fans the album early along with some up close personal items from the band. Watch this video and you can see the passion they have. I think the fans have more passion for their music then they knew.
The reason they raised this much money is because they are passionate about what they do and the fans know it and feel it too. I have been following the band since 2007 and have seen them live more times than I can count. They always take the time to greet any fan before and/or after they perform and say thanks for coming. It reminds me a lot of Richard Petty who is famous for signing every autograph for a fan that asks for one.
We have had their album for a few weeks now and I can't wait to see the band when they play here is a few weeks. I have all the songs memorized since I have been playing it for a while now. I feel like I know something the rest of the world doesn't yet. Kind of cool being an insider. The new CD came out today and I encourage you to buy it on Itunes – or Amazon.
The band is also using social media very well. Follow The Dollyrots on Twitter and you will see exactly what obstacles the band face while on the road. I love the late night visit tweets after they have had a few beers myself to fast food places. I can say that I feel proud that I showed them what Twitter was and now they have over 5000 loyal followers waiting on their every tweet. Their passion comes out in the tweets as well as the music when they are on stage playing what they love to do. Here is the first single off the new album.
Help the band out by using the social media buttons below and help spread the word about their new album.