If you are running any sort of online business you constantly have to keep learning to keep going and making money. One way to learn while you are working or on the go is by listening to a podcast.
I am not talking about a certain podcast from your industry which you should be listening to anyway, I am talking about one that is outside your industry that you can learn new ideas to spark up your business. I often listen to podcast that are based around a hobby or something that I want to learn about.
A few weeks ago we were at Affiliate Summit meeting new people and I started talking to someone about SEO and when I asked them certain questions it became apparent that they had no clue.
I told them if they wanted to learn about SEO they could find a few podcast and listen while they worked on their sites. Of course since they were just getting started in affiliate marketing I also steered them to www.geekcast.fm where I am on a few podcast and there are other good podcast on the subject also.
I listen to almost every podcast on Geekcast since they are mostly about making money online. You can get them delivered automatically using Itunes which is a huge time saver. You can listen in the car (since most radio stations suck now anyways) or you can listen using an Ipod while taking in your morning run.
If you make time to learn your business should improve. If you can't find a podcast in your business then start your own, you can be the expert in your field and business will come to you. You will be considered a leader in your field and business will come to you in ways you never expected.